4 Reasons Why You Need Resistance Training
Resistance training sometimes doesn't get the praise it truly deserves. No matter what your fitness level, you can benefit from incorporating it into your lifestyle. It doesn't mean you need to go to the gym and squat 300 lbs. It simply means your body will benefit from the application of resistance. For some, that's getting up and down from a seated position. For others, that’s pushing yourself with deadlifts in the gym. The bottom line is your body craves this type of pressure. It’s essential for aging well.
When we don't incorporate resistance training into our lifestyle, guess what happens. Muscle begins to atrophy and over time sarcopenia, or the progress loss of muscle mass and strength, occurs at a greater speed than it actually has to as a part of the natural aging process.
I don't mean to sound gloomy, but it's the truth. The beautiful thing is that you can begin making changes today by incorporating resistance training into your routine. Whether you're starting from square one with body weight only or want the full gym experience, starting is step one.
So what are some easy ways to enhance the benefits of your resistance training?
Follow a program. It doesn't have to be anything complicated, but your resistance training program should be strategic and align appropriately with your personal goals.
Use good form. You risk injury any time you don't use good form with resistance training. Beyond that, if you want the full benefit of the movement you're performing, good form is critical.
Be consistent. Doing resistance training once a month will not do the job. Opt for at least 3 strategic sessions per week. By that I mean follow your plan or program at least three times a week. Of course we all get busy or travel and need to throw something together from time to time, but that should be the exception not the rule.
Track your progress. Know where you're at, where you want to go and what it will take to get there. I'm a big proponent of keeping a log (or tracking your workouts in an app). You'll feel good about yourself when you look back and see all that you've been able to accomplish.
Why not get started today? What's holding you back? Boldly Fit has programs for all fitness levels, for both at home and in the gym. Let’s get started!